Greg Friese is the Editorial Director of among other things. He brings a very interesting view of how EMS providers should be compensated for the work they do. In January of 2022, he wrote a piece discussing the importance of EMS providers not just receiving a living wage, but rather for EMS workers to make much greater than a living wage. He recently wrote about the dismal raise that Austin EMS providers received to provide a voice to workers who felt voiceless.
Natalie Zink is a paramedic and medical student in Georgia who speaks extensively on women’s rights and the medical treatment of abortion. Her work can be found in EMSWorld and in other publications. This episode, recorded May 22, 2022 discusses the leaked Supreme Court brief suggesting the overturn of 1973’s Roe v. Wade and 1992’s Casey v. Planned Parenthood. Ed and Natalie discuss what field providers can expect and how to treat abortions in the field. This episode is wide-ranging from the logistics of certain legislation to how it effects healthcare providers. Countries such as Poland have attempted similar legislation to no avail. Abortion is a safe and (currently) legal intervention that will occur regardless of the current laws. It is important that EMS and pre-hospital providers know how to treat these patients and what they can expect moving forward should this case become law.