Natalie Zink is a paramedic and medical student in Georgia who speaks extensively on women’s rights and the medical treatment of abortion. Her work can be found in EMSWorld and in other publications. This episode, recorded May 22, 2022 discusses the leaked Supreme Court brief suggesting the overturn of 1973’s Roe v. Wade and 1992’s Casey v. Planned Parenthood. Ed and Natalie discuss what field providers can expect and how to treat abortions in the field. This episode is wide-ranging from the logistics of certain legislation to how it effects healthcare providers. Countries such as Poland have attempted similar legislation to no avail. Abortion is a safe and (currently) legal intervention that will occur regardless of the current laws. It is important that EMS and pre-hospital providers know how to treat these patients and what they can expect moving forward should this case become law.
One of the most misunderstood pieces of equipment we have is the bag valve mask. Easy to operate, but hard to master, it’s one of the fundamental skills we need to master.
Rommie Duckworth is a nationally-known paramedic and educator in Connecticut who is truly passionate about education and ventilation, and Dan gets to pick his brain and talk about what really matters when we have to breathe for our patients who can’t do it for themselves.
If you were at the National Association of EMS Physicians Conference this past week, you would have been able to see Dr. Michael Lauria speak. Mike is a USAF veteran, Pararescueman, flight paramedic, and currently an emergency medicine physician in the US. He has appeared on the EMCrit podcast and numerous others to talk about stress and managing it in the field of medicine.
Michael Greco is the Vice President of Local 2507, who represents the EMTs, Paramedics and Fire Inspectors of the Fire Department of the City of New York. You may remember we had him on last in Episode 29, and unfortunately, conditions have not improved much since our last talk.