Summary In this year-end special episode of The Overrun podcast, Ed Bauter, Dr. Mike DeFilippo, and Dr. Michael Stone discuss
Summary In this conversation, Dr. Devin Dromgoole discusses the evolving role of ultrasound in emergency medical services (EMS). He highlights
Summary In this episode of the Overrun Podcast, the hosts discuss the importance of EMS education, the role of conferences,
Summary In this conversation, Dan Schwester interviews Dan Gerard, a senior medic, about the generational divide in EMS and the
Summary In this conversation, Amy Eisenhauer discusses the qualities of a good leader in EMS and the importance of mentoring.
Summary In this episode, Dr. Zaf Qasim discusses advances in medical resuscitation and the future of cardiac arrest care. The
Summary In this episode, Dr. Ken Milne discusses two studies related to emergency medicine. The first study examines the use
Summary Dr. Mike Berkenbush joins the podcast to discuss the challenges in EMS education on differentiating chest pain. The conversation
Summary In this episode, Ed and Dan discuss several topics related to medicine and EMS in 2023. They start by
Dan Gerard is the president of the International Association of EMS Chiefs, who authored a position statement in August of